The latest customer research from booking portal reveals a worrying increase in the grime rate. Just in case you’re thinking that must be a misprint, let me assure you it’s not – London’s hotels, apparently, are among the grubbiest in the world! asked its customers to give their hotels marks out of ten for cleanliness, and London properties scored a miserable 7.52. Among world cities, only Rio de Janeiro fared worse, with a mark of 7.29.

The cleanest hotel rooms in the UK are to be found in Sheffield, where clients awarded them 8.15 marks out of ten. Liverpool’s hotels, with 8.12 out of ten, came second ahead of Bristol and Leeds, where hotels scored 8.10 out of ten.

Birmingham’s hotels are deemed to have the worst cleanliness rating in the UK, with a score 7.42, followed by London (7.52), Leicester (7.64), Manchester (7.75) and Glasgow (7.90).

Bournemouth, perhaps mercifully, was not included in the research, so we have no way of knowing whether our hotels are spick and span or sloppy and slovenly. However, the ‘rank rankings’ serve as a timely reminder that guests have a right to expect the very highest standards of cleanliness – and they take a dim view of shoddy shortcomings.

From a profit point of view, it would seem, those that clean up, clean up.